Our future world will operate on the foundation of love, compassion, integrity, accountability, and inclusive unity. This is our destiny, and it is why we came here. The universe loves us and will conspire with us to manifest our visions and intentions fueled by our actions. All we must do is show up and place our energy toward our visions. The universe will see us through this dark and heavy transitional void between what was and will be.
Now that we are really in the deep end, many things are showing up that don't seem conducive to us creating a harmonious and beautiful life for humanity. We are absolutely clear that this is not the world we signed up for nor the world we have worked so tirelessly to anchor. We must remember that where we are right now is only a transitional state. Also, our physical bodies have struggled as we navigate the turbulent void between what was and what will be. This was expected. Despite the illusion, we are still on track. Keep your sights on the future.
As we traverse this void, our primal physical body's hard wiring will react with anxiety and fear. These normal reactions can morph and anchor into twisted, limiting belief systems if left unchecked. We can experience a lack of trust in the process. We might feel overwhelmed, have anger or judgements of anything different than our belief system. Biases are based on fear. Fear keeps us from accessing our inner truth. Once temporarily blocked from our inner truth, we often look outside ourselves and digest a lot of energy-draining speculations about our possible future outcomes. Remember, we cannot see anything for what it is until we stop viewing it through the biases of what we want it to be. When we reach outside ourselves for "truth," we can become rigid, unbending, anxious, and even anchor ourselves in this temporary void because deep underneath, we just want to feel safe and comfortable. This is entirely understandable. We all need comfort and safety. But for us to feel comfortable in this mere illusion of a chaotic void, we try to ground these temporary energies before it is actually time to do so, and this has been only adding stress and anxiety to our lives.
Our knee-jerk, fear-based reactions are quite "normal" for what we are trying to pull off here and were even expected by many Ascended Masters and the Star Elders. They know our physical bodies are programmed with primal survival programs and ancestral lineage memories. Our ancestors have carried us this far. We honor them for giving us the foundation upon which to build a new future. But our ancestors never experienced anything like this before. There's nobody to show you the way, but you. You are the way.
So here are some guidelines to help ease our current journey.
Please don't feed your fears because it will swallow up your light. Please do not waste your energy on loss causes and people who do not respect or cannot receive what you offer them. Honor your energy and light and use it in ways that can make a difference.
Be a tree. Know who you are and anchor yourself within yourself like the roots of a tree while bending like a tree does in changing weather. Learn to bend, but do not break.
Keep yourselves connected in your communities and have empathy and compassion for all others, no matter where they are in their journey or their belief systems. A good support system is essential during these times.
Foster BE-ing in "Enlightened Neutrality" by knowing what is transpiring around you in your world but not making a judgment or taking a stand. Remember, all this is going to change very, very quickly. Any place you anchor yourselves is the place that will cause you stress or pain.
Stay calm, heart-centered, and confident in our positive future, but do not spiritually bypass the work that presents itself to you. You want to ground yourself in divine balance, your cosmic orientation point within yourself. Where we place our energy is what we will manifest. What we believe will become our reality. Be a witness to this transition.
Place your energy toward re-schooling your belief systems to be flexible and grounded like a tree and in a constant state of enlightened neutrality. In other words, it means knowing what's happening but not letting it trigger or affect our balance. If triggered, you cannot access your inner truth or light-that's it-plain and simple.
It's essential to remember all that is happening now; all that is out of alignment with the natural laws of the universe will not be sustainable in the future or be a part of our new reality. As we move forward, the universe filters out all the miscreations in our current reality. There is absolutely no need to fight anything going on in the world at the moment. Unless the challenges show up right on your doorstep, it is not your fight. Remember, there are uncountable warriors of light strategically placed throughout our reality who are being called to battles that show up on their doorsteps. Pick your battles wisely and use your energy accordingly. This transformation is not all on your shoulders.
Do not drag with you all that seems wrong with the world now. Let it go. As we traverse this void, we must remember that this is not our destination. It's important not to get attached, hung up on, angry, or triggered about what's happening in the world. This is merely a transition that your soul has never experienced before. Sure, this time is scary and painful. This is the nature of transitions. But we are sure you wouldn't want the previously used alternative: drop the body and start all over once the new cycle has fully landed. You have chosen a different way this time.
To traverse this time and actually land in the reality we want, filled with our heart and soul desires, we cannot feed, thus accelerating the fear and anxiety that rise through the dismantling of the old world. We must hold tight to the vision in our hearts. It's up to us collectively how we will land in this new world. It will benefit our lives and the countless generations that come after us.
Remembering you are also a physical being on a physical earth is important. Everything you think, feel, and do as you walk upon the Earth affects the Earth and all life upon it. Our energy circulates around the Earth to every corner of the Earth, affecting every bit of life. If we walk with love, compassion, respect, and honor for all life, we anchor this for the entire earth to feel. If we walk with anger, judgment, spiritual ego, etc., these things will circumnavigate the Earth. Our unchecked negative egos will not elevate life; it will devalue life. We must be the counterbalance to the chaos in the world and the calm in the storm.
Lastly, be compassionate with one another, knowing that everyone in the world is doing their best with what they have in each moment. Also, be compassionate to yourselves! You are right where you're supposed to be, even if it doesn't feel right. If we could see the bigger picture right now, we would realize how ridiculous it is to judge anybody or yourself for anything. We are all in the same pot of soup now, and no one has made the summit of this process yet. And never, ever forget that you are incredibly valuable to this epic, once-in-lifetime transformation process, just as you are at this very moment.
Huge blessings to all. - Aluna Joy with influences from Ascended Masters and the Star Elders.
"Don't give in to your fears. If you do, you won't be able to talk to your heart." The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
This message was compiled and reassessed for many weeks, curating little insights that came in waves. I hope it resonates with your heart. Blessings to EveryONE - Aluna Joy
Heart Donations are greatly appreciated and help me continue to offer messages freely as spirit calls. You may also send your gratitude and support through the ethers. These help me cover monetary and energetic expenses for posting these messages to you. Thank you very much! https://www.alunajoy.com/heartdonation.html
Aluna Joy Yaxk'in A Star Messenger - Earth Oracle - Soul Reader - Sacred Site Junkie was literally born awake and in the company of her guides, the Star Elders. Today, she has evolved into an author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister, and modern mystic. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak), a clairvoyant or seer of living energy. Aluna acts as a spiritual archaeologist using her clairvoyant/clairsentient gifts to excavate current messages from the masters of ancient, enlightened cultures to uncover what effect this has on humanity and the collective consciousness. Aluna coined the term "sacred site junkie" because she is one herself. After her first trip to Tulum, Mexico, her life changed dramatically, and she was sent on an entirely different path in life. Since this time, her work has been influenced by uncountable shamanic experiences in sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, England, Australia and New Zealand. Aluna has been leading groups in the Maya world since 1986, the Inca world since 1996, and the Egyptian world since 2008, and the mystical world of Avalon (England, Scotland and Wales) since 2007. Aluna offers Star Elder Sessions, formulates Sacred Site Essences and a free newsletter. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology" and her articles have been published worldwide. Website: www.AlunaJoy.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/alunajoyyaxkin YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/feelthelove2012
Copyright Guidelines: Aluna Joy Yaxk'in - www.AlunaJoy.com - 1995-2024 - Unauthorized publication and/or duplication of any material on our web site without permission from its author and/or owner is prohibited. RE-POSTING SHARING GUIDELINES: We allow SHARING freely, only if shared through Aluna's Public Facebook Page SHARE LINK, or the original WEBSITE LINK and NOT used for self promotion. This way there is no confusion to who the author is for this information, and no confusion to who the author is connected to or who she supports. Thank you everyone for understanding. Just make sure the original LINK to the posts is added to your sharing. Thank you for your great support. We would not be able to continue this work if it were not for you. We send you awesome radiant blessings today and for the beautiful future that we are co-creating together.
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Image credit to Mike Jefferies of Glastonbury England.
Over 95% booked. Only two rooms left.
On this pilgrimage to England and Cornwall's sacred lands, we will follow the Archangel Michael and Mary Ley Lines and work with the Sacred Sites and Ancient Portals. We will assimilate the new elevating Earth frequencies. They will heal, restore balance, and upload new codes of nature and the new human blueprint. These holy lands can anchor us to our new sacred path and lives and reawaken a new passion for our work and service to Earth.
The Holy Chalice within us was radically emptied from 2022 to 2024, and now we have the opportunity to mindfully refill it with new, higher, wiser frequencies. Now, it is time (finally) for us to step into this new cycle with body, mind, and spirit. It is time we put into practice all our newly acquired wisdom. This great inner wisdom is humanity's God-given birthright, and sacred pilgrimage is a powerful catalyst for our transformation.
The practice of assimilating new Earth frequencies has been mirrored in the past through numerous Master Teachers and sacred lineages that maintain the Divine Blueprint. Linking new codes of Earth with our body, mind, and spirit enables us and emanates through us to restore our ENLIGHTENED CHRIST BODY and restore our NEW DIVINE BLUEPRINT on Earth. Opposing, controlling forces can no longer stop or even slow the wave of light that is coming.
Join us if you feel a calling there are a few spots waiting for you. Find out more about Magical Cornwall here... https://www.alunajoy.com/ENGLAND-CORNWALL-PILGRIMAGE-2025.html
EGYPT and Private NILE SAILING in October 2025 - SOLD OUT
Dancing with the Divine - Awakening to our Ancient Wisdom
Anchoring Divine LOVE on Mother Earth on one of Earth's Major Chakra Spinner Wheels
Step Back in Time and Step into your Divinity,
All while gently Sailing on the Nile on a Private Luxury Sail Boat
Cairo - Giza Pyramids - The King's Chamber - The Sphinx - Cairo Museum - Luxor Temple - Isis Temple at Philae - Karnak Temple - Aswan & Luxor Markets - The Valley of the Kings - Deir el Bahari (Hatshepsut Temple) - King Tut's Treasures - Dendara Temple - Edfu Temple - Kom Ombo Temple - Abu Simbel (optional). Our private yacht will SAIL with the wind, as they did thousands of years ago.
- 2 hours Private time in the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid
- Private time at The Sphinx
- Private sunrise time at Philae's Isis Temple.
- A Luxurious, Private Yacht (Dahabeya) on The Nile
Join us if you feel the call. Find out more about Egypt here... https://www.alunajoy.com/EGYPT-TOUR-2025.htm
for this and all future pilgrimages as they become available.
There are things that happen only once, and then again, never exactly the same way. . . things that only we experience. There is no way to predict when magic lands where we are. We just have to put ourselves out there and keep our eyes open, and feel blessed when we see receive gifts from spirit. These are experiences that no one else will ever see in the same way again.

Aluna Joy sharing a message in Ollantaytambo, Peru.
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